Friday, September 18, 2015

Social Security Disability Benefits and Why We Should Reevaluate Our Application Process

Joel Gehrke writes for the National Review in this article , posted on Friday, September 18th, discussing the possible reconsideration of the process for being rewarded Social Security Disability benefits. He makes it a point to speak about how our nation's Social Security could run out of money within the next year leaving two options; neither of which will earn a majority vote within our country. Gehrke suggests the solution of reevaluating the application process to better determine who is truly in need of receiving these benefits.  He notes that "Applications for benefits surged during the economic downturn, but have eased considerably as the economy has slowly recovered.” 

This article is worthy of a read by my peers because this will effect our generation in the near future. If there is not a change made soon, benefits will run out, be decreased significantly, or our taxes will rise to make up the difference. 

Friday, September 4, 2015

New to class

Hello I hope you all enjoy my blog and we can create so interesting conversations from this.